On this page, I will share some of my predictions with you.  For the last 2 years, I have been giving predictions of the times to come through newsletters.  Now I will be delivering what I see on this page.  I have the fabulous ability to go to the future, see hear and feel what is going on and come back.  I have experienced time jumping as well.  I will share that story in the near future.  Some of my info will come from very trusted sources.  When it does I will tell you



January, February, late winter early spring 2010: A major event will take place that will affect all in a major way.

Eastern part of the World: East Aisa, Africa, U.S., East coast; Strong earthquake with significant mudslides; soon; afternoon early evening

2012: Relax, this is a time to know who you are.  It is a time to reform humanity's consciousness.  Many say that we are doomed and all of this distruction will be experienced.

There are many events that will take place and it is important to live on higher ground, stock up with food, water and first aide.  For those of you who cannot move to higher grounds, bless the land where you live and claim it holy ground that you will be protected on.  Trust in your prayer and focus.   

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